Posts Tagged ‘wovel snow shovel’

Wovel, Wovel, Wovel – The Wovel Snow Shovel is an Incredible Device with a Cool Name

March 14, 2008

So this isn’t the most time-sensitive post, but I absolutely couldn’t pass up the opportunity to talk about this gadget. If you live an area where it snows, chances are you have heard of the Wovel. If you haven’t, then you must be living under a rock. As someone who royally despises shovelling snow, but is also too cheap to pay some kids to do it, the Wovel Snow Shovel is the perfect solution.


So the Wovel isn’t the most complicated device (they basically mounted a snow shovel on a wheel), but it works! Where shovelig snow used to be a back breaking ordeal that takes forever to accomplish, the Wovel Snow Shovel puts all of the snow weight on the wheel an applies the principles of a lever. You not only lift twice as much snow with very little effort, but you also can use the Wovel Snow Shovel as a human-driven snow plow.

For the off-season, you can use the Wovel Snow Shovel to shovel gravel, dirt, animal droppings (especially if you happen to have a pet elephant), or pretty much anything you can think of. Several people have said that the Wovel is great for their horse stalls.

In any case, if you live in an area where snow is an issue, be sure to pick up a Wovel Snow Shovel. Your back will thank you.

Happy Wovel-ing,

The Gadget Man