Archive for March, 2008

SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player – High Quality Underwater MP3 Sound Lets You Jam While Swimming Laps

March 25, 2008

Swimming laps works your whole body. Swimming laps improves cardiovascular conditioning. Swimming laps burns a lot of calories without putting strain on your joints… Swimming laps is boring. As a former competitive swimmer who specialized in long distance races, I can relate to how boring doing lap after lap can be. Swim, swim, swim… turn. Swim, swim, swim… turn. Swimming lap after lap can be painfully boring… unless you have the SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player.

SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player in use

The SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player is unlike any other underwater MP3 player. Sure, Apple makes a waterproof kit for iPod, but what if that kit fails? Do really want to make the safety of your iPod the responsibility of that little kit? The SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player is designed for use while you swim laps. The SwiMP3 attaches to your goggle strap on both sides in front of your ears, giving you easy access to the volume and track selection controls. It’s light enough so that your hardly notice it is there, and the sleek design prevents the underwater MP3 player from creating drag while you swim.

All that waterproof MP3 mumbo jumbo is impressive, but what about sound quality? Waterproof headphones usually create low quality sound that can be garbled by the water. The SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player however, uses innovative bone conduction technology, which is already in use by the military, to create crystal-clear, high quality sound as you workout. Rather than using waterproof headphones, the SwiMP3 V2 transmits the sound waves through two pads that rest against your upper jawbone. The sound travels through your jawbone to your ear canal. The end result is high quality of sound that is unmatched by the iPod underwater kit or any other underwater headphones. If you are a serious swimmer or just looking to swim laps for exercise, invest in a SwiMP3 V2. Besides keeping the long laps from getting boring, you’ll find yourself swimming faster as you match your pace to the beat of your music (unless you listen to elevator music of course).

SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player Kit

The SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player supports MP3 and WMA format, is Mac and PC compatible, and includes a rechargeable battery with up to 4 hours playback time. It includes a USB connector and carrying case. For more information on the SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player and other versions of the SwiMP3, go to

Secure Wireless – Turn Any Hardwired Home Security System into an Affordable Wireless System

March 19, 2008

In today’s world, having a home security system is essential for the safety and security of you, your loved ones, and your valuables (especially your video games and home theater equipment). Everywhere I have lived I have had a home security system. In some houses, however, a home security system can get rather expensive. If the security installer cannot run wires through the home, he’ll have to opt for a wireless home security system, which is not cheap. So that leaves the homeowner with a decision to make: is the alarm system worth the extra cost? Should I just buy a rottweiler instead?

That’s where the San Diego based wireless technology company Secure Wireless comes in. They have developed an affordable wireless receiver that works in conjunction with most hardwired home security systems that uses wireless peripherals (fancy word for “sensors”) such as door/window contacts, motion detectors, glass break detectors, and smoke detectors (which sound an alarm and notify the fire department for you) developed especially for it. Best of all, Secure Wireless has developed a wireless remote keyfob that arms the system in two mode, disarms the system, and can operate your garage door (some simple wiring is involved).

As you can see, the wireless remote keyfob itself is attractively styled and compact in design. Because Secure Wireless has made the wireless receiver compatible with most home security systems, you can still get the inexpensive system you want and this great remote control. So check out Secure Wireless and, when you decide to have an alarm installed, make sure your installer goes to to find an afforable wireless receiver and peripherals, as well as this great remote.


The Gadget Man

Aquaguard Pool Alarm – Even if You Don’t Have Kids, Get One

March 14, 2008

The Gadget Man is about to get preachy…

Keeping children safe from drowning in a pool is every pool owner’s responsibility, even if they don’t have kids. I live in a city where most houses have swimming pools, so throughout the year the local news is filled with stories of children drowning in pools. Most of the time, the kid drowns in a pool that isn’t even theirs! The hot weather drives them over to a neighbor’s yard. Many pool owners say “Well I installed a fence, so that should keep them out.” You know what one of my favorite outdoor activities was as a kid? Climbing fences. Unless your fence is electrified and topped with barbed wire, I don’t think that’s going to cut it.

That’s where the Aquaguard Pool Alarm System comes in. The Gadget Man has searched high and low for a good pool alarm and this looks like the best choice. When someone or something falls in your pool, this device lets loose with an alarm louder than most car alarms. The Aquaguard Pool Alarm secures to your deck with the included hardware and runs on batteries (an indicator tells you when they are low). But there are two reasons why I chose the Aquaguard Pool Alarm over the others:

1) The Remote Control: having a remote control is really no big deal, but having a remote control that also has a siren built in makes a huge difference. If you have sound-proof glass (which many people do), this feature alerts you when the alarm is going off.

2) It looks good: seriously, look at this thing. It looks like it belongs by the pool, like it’s just another piece of swimming pool equipment. I’ve looked at others and this definitely is the one that will not screw up the look of your pool.

Aquaguard Pool Alarm System features

So, if you own a pool, get an Aquaguard Pool Alarm System… even if you don’t have children of your own. A child slipping away from the parent should not mean that we brand the parent as “irresponsible” – kids are smarter than they let on. Eventually they will slip away from even the most watchful parent. But a device like the Aquaguard Pool Alarm can keep that brief slip from turning into another tragedy.

For more info on the Aquaguard Pool Alarm, including a copy of the instruction manual for you technical types, click here.

There is a great article about swimming pool safety here

Keep those kids safe,

The Gadget Man

Wovel, Wovel, Wovel – The Wovel Snow Shovel is an Incredible Device with a Cool Name

March 14, 2008

So this isn’t the most time-sensitive post, but I absolutely couldn’t pass up the opportunity to talk about this gadget. If you live an area where it snows, chances are you have heard of the Wovel. If you haven’t, then you must be living under a rock. As someone who royally despises shovelling snow, but is also too cheap to pay some kids to do it, the Wovel Snow Shovel is the perfect solution.


So the Wovel isn’t the most complicated device (they basically mounted a snow shovel on a wheel), but it works! Where shovelig snow used to be a back breaking ordeal that takes forever to accomplish, the Wovel Snow Shovel puts all of the snow weight on the wheel an applies the principles of a lever. You not only lift twice as much snow with very little effort, but you also can use the Wovel Snow Shovel as a human-driven snow plow.

For the off-season, you can use the Wovel Snow Shovel to shovel gravel, dirt, animal droppings (especially if you happen to have a pet elephant), or pretty much anything you can think of. Several people have said that the Wovel is great for their horse stalls.

In any case, if you live in an area where snow is an issue, be sure to pick up a Wovel Snow Shovel. Your back will thank you.

Happy Wovel-ing,

The Gadget Man

Choosing the Best Air Purifier – Home Air Purifiers vs. Office Air Purifiers

March 13, 2008

The Gadget Man has allergies (hey, I never claimed to be like Superman). With the arrival of Spring and flowers and all that stuff women like come a whole bunch of dust, pollen, and other things that make me sneeze. Spring is basically a miserable time of year for me.

So this year I am taking preventative measures and getting an air purifier for my home and office. But now comes the hard part: which one do I buy? Do I head over to Sharper Image (one of my favorite stores by the way) and just take whatever they have on sale? I don’t think so. It’s time to do some research.

So I google’d “choose best air purifier” and found this article titled “How To Choose The Best Air Purifier To Rid Your Home Or Office Of Harmful Airborne Pollutants“… perfect! The guy who wrote it seems to know his stuff. He compares some of the top brands of air purifiers and air purification systems, and compares the differences between them. Some use HEPA filters, some use carbon filters, and some don’t use any filters.

In any case, I am kinda leaning towards one of the Airfree Air Filters, because they don’t require any maintenance and because the Airfree Onix 3000 Air Purifier looks like a goth R2-D2. I may see if the boss at work will chip in for an Austin Air HealthMate Air Filter for the office as well.

To read the article on air purifiers, click here.


The Gadget Man

The Gadget Man Gets Ripped with the Perfect Pushup Travel Edition

March 11, 2008

Sitting at a computer all day researching, writing, and messing with new gadgets does not do much for one’s physique (I know, hard to believe). Needless to say, The Gadget Man has felt in need of some way to get a ripped chest and some burly arms, especially with Summer approaching. So what better time than now to review a cool fitness device like the Perfect Pushup Travel Edition.

If you watch TV or read men’s magazines, chances are you have seen the Perfect Pushup. The Perfect Pushup Travel Edition, while a little more expensive, offers the convenience of a collapsible design and zippered, padded case for travel. It was featured in this article about travel fitness products: Travel Fitness Equipment – Exercise Products Designed To Help Busy Travelers Stay In Shape. People on vacation or businessmen who find themselves all over the country will find the ability to “stay ripped on the road” convenient, especially when the place they are staying does not have a fitness center or a respectable bar.

As far as the exercise itself, it feels great. I played sports all throughout my childhood and into college, and every coach used the pushup as a way of punishment. “You just lost the game you bunch of nancy-boys, gimme 50 pushups”. And why wouldn’t they? Though pushups are one of the oldest and most effective forms of exercise, they can be brutal on your wrists and arms. The Perfect Pushup Travel Edition elevates your hands so that your wrists are at a more comfortable, slightly bent position. The increased elevation of the perfect pushup handles let you lower yourself further down for a more effective workout of your chest, shoulders, back, and abs while the rotation of the handles enables you to work more muscle groups in your arms.

Here’s a picture of someone using the Perfect Pushup Travel Edition (no, it’s not me) and a diagram of how the exercise works.
Perfect Pushup Travel Edition in use

So The Gadget Man has been using the Perfect Pushup Travel Edition for a few days now and I am already starting to feel a difference. In other words, I am sore as hell right now. But that will change, and soon The Gadget Man will be built like Superman. I highly recommend you check out the Perfect Pushup Travel Edition. It’s more money but well worth the price. You can find at the manufacturer’s website, but I got a better deal and get great service at

Until next time,

The Gadget Man

Spa-N-A-Box Portable Spa – Playboy Radio Features an Easy Way to Create the Ultimate Bachelor Pad

March 3, 2008

So, do you listen to Playboy Radio? Come on, be honest. If you do, you only listen for the jokes, right? Of course you do. Recently host Kevin Kline of the Playboy Radio morning show gave his listeners a real treat (no, not that kind) by featuring a product that I think every home, especially a bachelor pad, should have: the Spa-N-A-Box Portable Spa.

Spa N A Box Portable Spa in use

The Spa-N-A-Box Portable Spa functions just like a standard spa, but is smaller to fit in tighter spots. It is designed for two people, but you can fit more if you are into that sort of thing (wink, wink). There is no plumbing and no wiring – simply fill the portable spa and plug it into a standard outlet. It takes about 24-48 hours to fully heat all of that water the first time, but once it’s ready, you’ll enjoy hours of relaxation. The Spa-N-A-Box Portable Spa can be used indoors and outdoors depending on where you live.

While some critics may see portable spa and think that it isn’t a good as the real thing. Wrong! This portable spa works just like any standard spa. Take The Gadget Man’s advice and get yourself one. You’ll thank me later.

For more details, check it out at


The Gadget Man