Posts Tagged ‘air purifiers’

Choosing the Best Air Purifier – Home Air Purifiers vs. Office Air Purifiers

March 13, 2008

The Gadget Man has allergies (hey, I never claimed to be like Superman). With the arrival of Spring and flowers and all that stuff women like come a whole bunch of dust, pollen, and other things that make me sneeze. Spring is basically a miserable time of year for me.

So this year I am taking preventative measures and getting an air purifier for my home and office. But now comes the hard part: which one do I buy? Do I head over to Sharper Image (one of my favorite stores by the way) and just take whatever they have on sale? I don’t think so. It’s time to do some research.

So I google’d “choose best air purifier” and found this article titled “How To Choose The Best Air Purifier To Rid Your Home Or Office Of Harmful Airborne Pollutants“… perfect! The guy who wrote it seems to know his stuff. He compares some of the top brands of air purifiers and air purification systems, and compares the differences between them. Some use HEPA filters, some use carbon filters, and some don’t use any filters.

In any case, I am kinda leaning towards one of the Airfree Air Filters, because they don’t require any maintenance and because the Airfree Onix 3000 Air Purifier looks like a goth R2-D2. I may see if the boss at work will chip in for an Austin Air HealthMate Air Filter for the office as well.

To read the article on air purifiers, click here.


The Gadget Man